In this episode:
Self-described as one-dimensional and intense, pre-coma Kelly loved her job, her colleagues, her award-winning real estate company, and working hard. Always pushing forward, evolving her business was top of mind.
Then the unexpected. After a long workday, Kelly didn’t feel well. She knew something was terribly wrong. A series of admissions, readmissions at different hospitals, and a lack of diagnosis, Kelly was close to death. With multiple organs failing, Kelly was placed into a medically-induced coma. Kelly felt isolated and alone.
The day Kelly emerged from her coma, she was alone. Her husband asked for a divorce. Never afraid of a challenge, Kelly fought her way back to health and recovery while raising her three-year old son and maintaining a hand in her company. Kelly’s recovery took 3 years and a lot of grit. It wasn’t without challenges and some humbling moments. Kelly was surrounded by a supportive, loving community. She also discovered her internal strength, noting that until we are tested, we don’t appreciate our own strength.
You are stronger than you think
Those days that Kelly felt anxious, she was able to remain in the present, recalling her mom’s advice:
Don’t push shoes on imaginary feet.
Kelly’s near-death experience allowed her to discover who and what she loved. Where she should focus her time and effort. Kelly became spontaneous and learned to have fun. She discovered balance. Kelly’s divorce provided the freedom to create a life she loves. For Kelly, it was her opportunity to find her way back home, making peace within herself despite the surrounding chaos.
While recovering, Kelly had no ability to read social cues. Deciding that she wanted to sell her company, Kelly confidently reached out to and secured a meeting with Barbara Corcoran. Armed with expert advice and the out that Kelly was seeking, this meeting was a pivotal moment in Kelly’s business and recovery. This paved the way to Kelly’s career in speaking and to authoring her first book, Building a Dream Team.
Kelly founded Arras Sisters with the goal of building community – a tapestry of women – and helping women share their stories. Women need to share their voice. For themselves, their families, and communities. Kelly’s passion is helping women discover – and be proud of – their voice. Sharing stories is essential and will break down barriers. Stories provide a survival guide for those who are struggling and seeking resources to help them through their healing. In turn, telling our own stories is essential for our own healing.
Feeling seen and heard and knowing we matter is essential
People are afraid of telling their story for fear it doesn’t matter, or they may be suffering in shame or embarrassment. No matter the essence of your story, when you are ready, share your story. Not only is it a release for the story-teller, it’s the light that someone else seeks.
Your story can change the world
The women surrounding Kelly are her source of inspiration and hope. Kelly finds fulfillment in watching women evolve their stories and their businesses.
Kelly is grateful for her journey; helping women find their voice and share their stories has been the biggest gift. Learning to listen, and discovering patience – for herself and others – have come through her healing. Taking the time to hear and understand others has been transformational and opened Kelly’s eyes to the beauty, strength, and power within those who surround her.
Kelly’s greatest hope is that people find fulfillment and lose their shame. Her most important – yet most simple – advice?
Share your story
Thank you for listening!
You too can make a difference by sharing your story. Publicly or privately – Reach out to me, I’d love to chat.